Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3

to command the company, up to a Captain in that Event I think a company may be made, which we much need, I am at this time much recovering from my wounds & afflictions that I informed you of in ~y last communication, having ,;othing more of importance to mform you of at present, but remain Your Humble Sevt. &c Gonzales Jany the 9th 1835 [1836] Mathew CaldwclJ


An Ordinance and Decree authorising and commissioning Thomas Jefferson Chambers to raise an army to be called The Army of Reserve for the protection of the liberties of Texas and for other purposes. Sect. 1. Be it Ordained and Decreed, And it is hereby ordained and decreed by the General Council of the Provisional Government of Texas, that in addition to the provisions already made for establishing and organising an auxiliary Volunteer Corps to the Army of Texas, a division of volunteers shall he raised to be called The Army of Reserve for the protection of the liberties of Texas, which shall consist of one thousand one hundred and forty-five men officers included. That the said division shall be composed of six battalions, three of infantry, one of riflemen, one of cavalry and one of field or horse artillery. That the battalion of infantry, riflemen and cavalry, shall each be composed of four companies of seventy-one men, company officers included, and there shall be one colonel, one major, one adjutant, one quarter master, one surgeon, one commissary, one pay master, one sergeant major and one drum major for each battalion, and one captain, two lieutenants, and as many sergeants and corporals for each company as the commandant general of the division may deem requisite. That the battalion of artillery shall be composed of four companies of thirty-seven men, company officers included: and there shall be the same number of field and staff officers as for the other battalions; for each company there shall be one captain, two lieutenants and the number of sergeants and corporals which the commandant general may consider necessary.


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