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E.S. Por las copias que adjunto a V .E. se impondra S.E. el Presidente interino de la llegado de la Seccion de Yucanlan y las oms. que he dado para que marche a Matamoros, dejando a seguarada a Sta Anna de Tamaulipas. Dios y Libertad cuartel gral. de Leona Vicario Enero 8. de 1836. Anto Lopez de Santa Anna
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E. S. Srio. de la Guerra. [In Margin:] Eno 22/36
De enterado e insertese todo al Comandte militar de Santa Anna de Tamaulipas pr. se huhiern padecido exlravio los comunicacion del E.S. P. Santa Anna, previniendole qe. haga lo qe. le tiene mandado SUE. E. (1737] [CALDWELL to GOVERNMENT] To the President and Perminent deputation of Texas in Convention Convened I now must inform you something of the present situation of this country. I have endeavored to Give assistance to the army every way in my power that is now in Bexar, Yesterday I have in Order to comply with the comdt of that place sent fifty Bushels of corn meal, and some beef cattle are now collecting for that place, therefore I must now inform you, that articles necessary to furnish that army are Scarce here as the Volunteers ever since the war has been Furnished with verry much from this place and there is now no more than is immediately needed for the families in this Munity and there is no funds here in my hands which has not been applied to public use, therefore I must say it is Out of my power to comply in contracting for the army any longer without funds being placed in my hands, to disburs as the ~eople here cannot lo~ger render their services individually nor their property or teams without pay, as they are for the preservation of their families bound to use their Money to their own individual purpose. . . . . J have seen your Resolves regulatmg an~l prov1dmg for Rangers on the frontier, I only say to You, th~t 111 _reg~r_d_ to the a JOinting the officers t? command th_e ra~1.gers 1_11 this d1v1~1011 the ~~ Jlc will not orgaruze. under t!rnt I cgulat1on hut 1 f your i1o,!ourable body will See fit to permit us to Elect our own officers
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