Army of Operations Excellent Senor:
Through your Excellency's official letter of the 4th of this month, I am advised lhal on that day the divisions of Generals D. Joaquin Ramirez Y Sesma and D. Marlin Perfecto de Cos recrossed lhe river, the former lo station itself al villa of Guerrero and the latter at Monclova, lo which place your Excellency is also going. According lo my precaution, leaving villa of Laredo guarded by its garrison company, lo whose captain your Excellency gave the inslruclions of which you sent me a copy, pleased mP-very much. According to lhe dale in which the officer that carried the thirty thousand pesos destined for those divisions, left here, he must now be very near Monclova, and therefore it would be impossible for him lo go lo Candola or Lampazos as your Excellency suggested lo me. IL is therefore necessary that your Excellency should procure, in transmit lo Monclova, the food needed and to pay for it upon arriving al that city. Of the thirty thousand pesos, your Excellency will see lo it that twenty thousand pesos arc sent out immediately upon their arrival at Monclova, to the division of Senor Sesma, and the remaining ten thousand pesos will he for the force of General Cos and for other needed expenditures. I reiterate to your Excellency my regard and esteem. For God and Liberly. General Headquarters of Leona Vicario. January 8, 1836. Antonio Loper~ de Santa Ana. Excellent Senor General of Division, D. Vicente Filisola, Second in Command of the Army of Operations. [1735 J l SMITH to COUNCIL I I Henry Smith, San Fdip«~, lo the Pn~sidt·nl and Council, January B IB36 scndinu a list of notes on Llw govcrnnwnl with 56 names , ' n of the creditors, including Jamcs Bowit', Edward Burlt•H>n, Moseley Baker, Robert M. Coleman, and Thomas J. Rusk. j
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