Army of Operations. Excellent Senor:
Through your Excellency's official letter of the 4th of this month, in which you transcribed the declarations of the soldiers that deserted the band that left Bejar, I have become acquainted with the occurrences that have lately taken place in that city, and of the intentions which that band had when it left. To prevent the villas of Revilla, Mier, Camargo, and Reynoza from being robbed, your Excellency will order, if there are any troops of the companies belonging to the above-mentioned cities in General Cos' divisions, that they march to their respective cities, resting in them, and at the same time being careful and watching that the rebels do not accomplish their objective, without forgetting to give them the instructions which your Excellency has prepared for them in case that they are ambushed. For God and Liberty. General Headquarters, January 8, 1836. Most Excellent Senor General of Division, D. Vicente Filisola, Second in Command of the Army of Operations. [Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana.] (1733] [SANTA ANNA to FILISOLA] I am advised by your Excellency's note of the 4th of this month of the hostilities committed by the Indians in the vicinity of Laredo and of your Excellency's well thought out plans which he has designed to suppress them. For God and Liberty. General Headquarters of Leona Vicario. January 8, 1836. Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana. Excellent Senor General, D. Vicente Filisola, Second in Command of the Army of Operations. Army of Operations Excellent Senor:
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