, I
and it is hop 'cl that no time will be lost in the completion of an object involving such vital importance I remain Your Obt St.
J C Neill Lt Coln Commanding
I f. ! I I I ! L I I
[New York Committee of Citizens, New York, to Samuel .May Williams, January 8, 1836, expressing sympathy for the cause of Texas and offering financial assistance for support of the military activities.]
[1731] [PARKER to BARRETT]
Washington, Jan. 8, 1836
Col. Barrett:
My dear coUeague in labor and hard trials. Being in persute of my horse who has got in the river bottom has detained me until now. The Counsel would be but reasonably situated here, boarding would be much cheaper here, but committee rooms are scarse. But I think you would be tolerable comfortable here. Should you move up here and it is necessary that I should return to my seat, I will try to do so in a short time. The bearer is waiting, I must hasten. Things are moving on reasonably weU. People are tolerable well satisfied with things. The people here say that you shaU be guarded against mobs if you come. My great respect lo WiUiam Pees and not forgetting my old friend Moodey and aU the rest of my dear friends. Yours in heart and haste, Daniel Parker
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