Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3


[17 27] [FLOREZ to ALCALDE] l Nicolas Flores, Bexar, to Alcalde, Bexar, January 8, 1836, warning him against depredalions by Comanches.] [1728] [HOUSTON to SMITH]


Washington 8 Jany 10 A.M. 1836 Dear Sir, I will set out in less than an hour for the Army. I will do all that I can. I am told that Frank Johnson and Fannin have obtained from the Military Committee orders to Proceed and reduce Matamoras. It may not be so. There was no Quroum, and the Council could not give power. I will proceed with great haste to the Army and there I can know all. I hope you will send me an Extract of Austin's letter about the New Confederacy, and what he says about the "Capitulations" of Bexar. Please write to me of this. Sam Houston [1729] [NEILL to GOVERNOR AND COUNCIL]

Head Quarters Comdancy of Bejar Jan. 8th 36


Gov. & Council of Texas Sirs

We have this morning receiv'd an Embassdor from the Comanche nation, who informs us that his nation is in an attitude of hostilities towards us- The[ y] are, however, willing to treat with us, & propose to concede hostilities for Twenty days, for that purpose, & suggest that each party shall furni_sh.Five Commissioners to form _a Treaty of Amity Commerce & limits. I would suggest that Francisco Rms & Don Gasper Flores of t~!s pl~ce, be nam'd as two of the Commissioners, they are familiar with _the Camancha cha~acter, and have acted in the capacity of n_egociators to th_al nallon.-Thay propose to hold the Treaty at this place, at the lime above nad'cl,


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