report her as coming within the provisions of the law creating a navy for Texas, the contract should stand as closed: Provided, the commissioners report her as coming within the purview of the law. Otherwise, we have no authority to make the purchase. It cannot be forgotten that our agents are specially instructed on that subject, and if not immediately advised, will on their arrival in the United States, employ agents to make the purchase. I consider the Council should not breed confusion by infringing on the authority which they had already vested in their agents. I would suggest to your body, that from the activity and patriotism of the holders, Messrs. McKinney and Williams, and their zeal, as has in many cases been evinced, to serve the public, that I would be disposed to take the report of Mr. McKinney, as soon as any other agent, which you have or could appoint. And if from his report, you should find the vessel to come within the purview of the law, let the bargain be closed at once, and our agents forthwith informed.- William P. Harris, collector of the port of Galveston, could be immediately notified to receive her in the name of the Government. I therefore confidently hope that your honorable body will reconsider the ordinance, and so alter and amend it, as to prevent conflict and injury. I am respectfully [January 7, 1836] Henry Smith, Governor
(1725] [BROOKS to BROOKS]
Camp Independence, near Velasco, Texas, Jan. 8th, 1836 . I have just been informed that a vessel is about to sail from Velasco to New Orleans. I have but a moment to inform you that I am at present stationed at Camp Indepenc!ence_, three m~les from the mouth of the Rio Brazos. I have the situation of Adjutant to about 200 volunteers denominated the "Georgia Battalion of Permanent Volunteers." My duties are arduous in the extreme. They are all perfectly raw. Th~ la~orious task _of drilling all the officers from the major to the JUmor corporal_ m the element~ry school of the soldier devolves upon Mr. Chadwick, Sergeant MaJor and myself. It is nothing but d:rill every day until I ha\'e become completely sick of it. . . We expect to take up the hne of march for Gohad towa~ds the Mexican fron,tier on Monday, next, for the purpose of formmg My dear Sister,
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