Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3

de Yucatan lo le falte su haber autorizandolo competentemente ara que tome de esa Admon. los candale~ necesanos; danclome ~arte por estraordinario luego que la refenda tro~a l~egue a esa Ciudad.= Dios y Liberatad Cuartel Gral. de Lona V1cano Enero 7. de 1836. Anto Lopez de Santa Anna = Sr. Gral. D. Francisco Vital Fernandez Comandante, pral. de Departmento de Santa Anna de Tamaulipas. Es Copia Leona Vicario E_nero 7. de 836. Es Copia Batres [1724] [SMITH to COUNCIL] Executive Department of Texas. To the Honorable, the President, and members of the Council: Gentlemen- The preamble of the committee originating an ordinance and decree, authorising the purchase of certain armed vessels therein named, of Messrs. McKinney and Williams, and for other purposes, &c. I have considered the same, with that attention which I considered the subject merited, and have enclosed it back, with the following exceptions: In the first place, our agents advise us, that they had purchased the William Robbins, and now have her in possession, and have changed her name to that of Liberty, and that they have pledged the faith of the country for payment, &c. They were certainly authorized to do so. It must be presumed that their judgment was exercised in the purchase, and whether it be good or bad, I consider your body has no right ot interpose and counteract by legislation, what they have done in conformity with their vested, authority. And as it respects the purchase of the other armed vessel, called the ~nvincible, the ordinance, as it now stands, leaves the matter entirely open and dependent on contingent circumstances.- The hol_de!s might not agree to take the price reported by our comm1ss1oners, for I consider the matter left entirely open. If the commissioners report that the vessel, &c., will answ~r as one of our naval vessels, in conformity with the law creating the navy for Texas, and the holders are willing to take cost ~nd cha~ges, let the contract be . . d b,.nding on both parties: Provided, the vessel be found Pos1t1ve an . . d . I ti . b commisswners, an not eave 1e matter open for to answer Y our · cl If th · · . d . I after the report is ma e. e comm1ss1oners bargam an s, 1 e


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