Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3

tropa con que poder escoltarlos, por que hasla la fha. no recibo refuerzo alguno, y tcmo que los sublevados que se fu~aron de la barra de Tampico tal vez intenten contra cste puer to; sm embargo que por forluna se ha avistado hoy la golela GEneral Bravo y cloy orden a su comandante que salga a buscar pcrseguir y aprehender a la Goleta Halcyon que los conduce. Dios Y Libertad, Matamoros Nove. 30. de 1835.

M. Mo. Guerra

E. S. Secrelario de Grra. y Marina

[1343] [HOUSTON lo BURKE]

Head Quarters Texas San Felipe de Austin 30th Nov 1835

To Capt David N. Burke Sir

The Commending Gen! of the army of Texas experiences much pleasure in announcing lo you and the volunteers from Mobile under your command the sentiments which he entertains of the manly and liberal feelings which have been manifested by you in the tender of your sen~ces in behalf of the cause of Texas and Constitutional Liberty. The war in Texas is a war in behalf of the rights of man the brave the nohle and the chivalric must sympathize in our struggles and every manifestation in our favor by those who could enjoy at home the equality of laws and the freedom of Religious opinions cannot fail to inspire in us the liveliest gratitude and will insure to those who voluntarily unite with us a fair participancy in the benefits for which we contend. Liberty & Equality (signed) Sam Houston Commander in Chief of the Army of Texas P. S. Be pleased to communicate this expression lo your Company, Capt. Burke.

s. 1-1 .

a true copy A. Houston

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