Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3

addressed you a letter informing you of my intention and requested Commissions for the officers whose names I reported to you the most of whom I h_ad previously reported lo th~ Governor requesting Commissions-which were not extendecl.-It 1s to me a matter of great regret that your body has also declined granting the Commissions required. Not regret arising from any individual considerations-for I assure you that I have no feeling on my own account; but I regret it because I am aware your refusal is well calculated to alienate their feelings from the cause of Texas.- Because it drives them to the necessity of seeking authority from some liberal General in the interior and should .Matemoros be taken deprives Texas of the henefits.-Five hundred and thirty men are surely an important consideration to Texas and ought not to be cut off.- They consider they have good cause of complaint inasmuch as the officers elected under Genl. Burleson were commissioned- and inasmuch as they occupy the same ground now as them.-It may be necessary for me to allude to my letter of the 6th. inst. withdrawing my proposition for authority to proceed against Matemoros-Your body will recollect that my communication was not made to you until it was distinctly ascertained that it would not be granted-and in order to clear away all obstruction I withdraw my proposition to enable you to take that course that might meet the end in view.-My surprise on reading your decree to night I will not disguise was great-By that decree you make the Volunteers engaged in that expedition a part of the auxilliary corps, & by that means cloose the door on the party under my command which has already distinctly communicated to you that they would not serve as any part of the regular army-In that decree you also confer authority on an other to lead the expedition against Matemoros which you determined you had not the right to confer on me-at this however I do not complain-the officer you have appointed is every way worthy & I have no doubt will prove himself entitled to your mark of distinction.-ln conclusi_o~ gentle~en I have to say that I shall still proceed on the exped1!1on as_ I fir~t contemplated and my every act shall have for its obJect fexas and the Constitution.- . . . Considering however the p~culiar _s1tuat1on of ~~e Volun- teers under my command-recollectmg their generous, d1smterested and allant services in the cause of Texas-I yet ,~o~tld suggest that g ntation be made to them expla111111g why their some .r~preseh • not been extended and the reasons why an auent comm1ss1ons ave . I I . o • l ·cl in the manner contcmp alee 111 your decree- has been appom e


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