[1720) (HOUSTON to RUSK]
l i ~ I I I 1 I I
Washington Head Quarters Texas 7th Jany. 1836
Army Orders Sir
You will forthwith report in person to Head Quarters on the frontier of Texas, the concentration of the army is directed at Copano. Sam Houston
Commander in Chief of the Army
To Col. T. J. Rusk Inspector General of the Army of Texas Nacogdoches
Sanfelipe Jany. 7 1836
To The General Council of Texas,
The rejection of my application for Commissions for the officers of the Volunteer Companies from the United States and for those raised in Texas, until now quartered in Bexar induces me again to address you.- Were I to consult my own feelings-I would probably indulge in a strain altogether different from what I shall but knowing as I do the irritable state of the public mind and however much predisposed it is-to contest the right you have to act, I refrain,-and I am content to bury in my own bosom all cause of complaint that I may ha~e on my m~n- acco_unt-and alt~o~gh-1 cannot but feel the unkindness and 11l1berality, not say m1usticc with which my application has been treated I yet shall not recur to it and instead of entering complaint~ ~ have only to say that I shall proceed in the contemplated expccht1on and do all I can for the f t d P rotection of Texas-And I a. sk no honor or compensa- sa e y an . T · b r· d tion for myself-If by my exertions exas 1s enc 1te I shall be
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