Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3

I conclude by giving it as my opi~ion (So far as at present inform'd) that we ought to declare mdependance when the convention meets- you are at liberty to inform your neighbors of my opinion on the subjict Respectfully your friend & obt Sert S. F. Austin We expect to leave in a few days for the North- - [Addressed:] Col Thomas J. Rusk San Agustin or Nacogdoches [per] Cap Brown [1718) [BERMUDEZ to the PUBLIC] [Jose Maria B~rmudez, Monterrey, to the Public, January 7, 1836, as C_omma~dmg General of the Department of Nuevo Leon, warning against harboring deserters from the Army now enroute to Texas.] [1719) [HOUSTON to FORBES] Washington, 7th Jan. 1836 My Dear Sir:-Events Hurry themselves upon us. Every day; results in something imporlant connected with the fate of Texas, and Liberty, a few individuals; at one time had denounced the Provisional authorities of the country, and were prepared to involve us in anarchy, but the firmness of the Governor, and General Council sustained by the moral energies of the community soon put matters to rest. This matter will be known abroad, and it is fit that it should not be set down lo the account of Texas; It must be imputed to those, who expect to realise advantages, from the continuance of our relations lo the Mexican Government, by consummating; vast land speculations. Many honest and clever men do not accord altogether, with what was done by the Consultation. It certainly was of advantage to : exas. It give a government when we had no~e. The country was 111 war,_the army had to be sustained, and without a Government nolhmg could h b d e All was excitement and bustle-The remedy of all ave een on •


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