There is a Louisiana Battalion; a Georgia Battalion; a Mississippi Battalion; an Alabama Battalion; and. a Tennessee Battalion; why can there not be a Kentucky Battahon? It would be a fine opening for a military man of standing-a Lafayette service. They might go by land from Natchitoches, or by water from here. The former I prefer, as Mexican cruisers are on the coast. We are fitting out some to meet them, but our money is rather short. I have written hastily and must close, for I am at the end of the paper, but not at the end of the subject. It is a copious one, and I am perhaps rather enthusiastic in the view I take of it. My whole heart and soul is devoted to it. I am well. [To Mary Austin Holley] S. F. Austin [1715] [AUSTIN to HOUSTON]
New Orleans, January 7, 1836.
To Gen. Sam Houston Dear Sir:
In all our Texas affairs, as you are well apprised, I have felt it to be my duty to be very cautions in involving the pioneers and actual settlers of that country, by any act of mine, until I was fully and clearly convinced of its necessity, and of the capabilities of our resources to sustain it. Hence it is that I have been censured by some for being over cautious. Where the fate of a whole people is in question, it is difficult to be over-cautious or to be too prudent. Besides these general considerations, there are others which ought lo have weight with me individually. I have been, either directly or indirectly, the cause of drawing many families to Texas; also, the situation and circumstances in which I have been placed have given considerable wieght to my opinions. This has thrown a heavy responsibility upon me, so much so that I have considered it to be my duty to be prudent, and even to control my own impulses and feelings; these. have _long been imp_alient under the state of things which has existed m Texas, and m favor of a speedy and radical chan~e. B~t. I have never appr~ved of the course of forestalling public op1mon by party or p~rhal meetings, or by management of any kind. The true course is to lay facts
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