harm in this country, by keeping away the kind of men we most need- were I in the convention I would urge an immediate declaration of Independence-unless there should he some news from the interior that changed the face of things-and even then, it would require very strong reasons to prevent me from the course I now recommend- I wish you to inform McKinny and Jack etc of the contents of this letter-that is of such parts of it as you think proper-and I advise you to take an open and bold stand for Independence at once-I hope all my friends will do the same-and that the Question will be decided unanimously- as I before observed I am informed that the Federal Party have clone nothing for us-and will do nothing-if so it is a folly to maintain our present position any longer- S. F. Austin New Orleans, January 7, 1836. [17141 [AUSTIN to HOLLEY] New Orleans, Jan 7, 1836. I hope to have the pleasure of seeing you soon, but it is not certain, as I may not be able to visit Lexington until I return from the Eastward as we are very much pressed for time. I am hound to Washington, New York etc. in company with Doc 8. T. Archer, and W. H. Wharton Esq. We are commissioners for the Texan Government. Our principal object is to raise money means and men to sustain our cause. The War for Liberty goes on prosperously, so far, in Texas. It must, and will, end in Independence-a full Declaration will be made in March. That of 7th November was the first step, preparatory lo the second and final one. The fact is, we have no other remedy left. By the last accounts the Central Government is established, and the Federal system totally destroyed. The Texans may, therefore, for the future, be considered an independent people, intirely separate from Mexico. We are youn_g to set_ up for ourselves, but we are the sons of that great n~t1on which has astonished the world by its deeds, and progress m the cause of liberty, light and truth. . . , . . When I left Texas there was not an enemy w1llun our . . . ·t f the River Bravo dcl Norte. Gen. Santanna hm1ts, nor eas o '
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