[1707) [McKINNEY to COUNCIL]
San Felipe de Austin, January 5th, 1836. To the Honorable President and members of the General Council: Gentlemen: I have no hesitation in agreeing to act in the capacity indicated in your ordinance of the 3d inst., as special agent to procure supplies for the support of the army, until a suitable person be appointed to discharge those duties. I am from this time forward prepared lo receive your orders and instructions on the subject, with a request that you be generally as explicit as possible. [Endorsed) I am very respectfully, &c., Thomas F. McKinney To the Honorable the General Council of the Provisional Govern- ment of Texas: Upon the above letter of Thomas F. l\kKinney, your committee on state and judiciary, advise that the Governor be notified of the acceptance of Mr. McKinney, as agent of the Commissary General's Department of Texas, and that the corres- ponding appointment may be made and signed by him, by and with the advice and consent of the General Council, as the legal authority to the said agent, and that the requisitions of the law creating and defining the duties of the Commissary General be complied with by the said agent, and regulate his conduct of the department, in the same manner as if commissioned as Commissary General. ' D. C. Barrett, Chairman Council Hall, January 8th, 1836 [ 1708) .,,. [NEILL to GOVERNOR and COUNCIL] To the Governor and Council, at San Felipe de Austin: Sirs: Jt will be appalling to you to learn and see herewith enclosed our alarming weakness. But I have one pleasurable atification which will not be erased from the tablet of my gr d · atural life viz.: that those whose names arc memory unng n ' · . . . . --. • I I . d c to a man those who acted so gall,mUy m herew1t l enc osc ar , ' I k .. . r· Id campaign, and t 1en won ~t1 unparalleled the ten wee s open- ic
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