Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3

worth ?f it, but it is jus_t going to ruin, and should at any rate be placed 111 the hands of some responsible person.

Resply Yours &c, A. Briscoe



[Vicente Fi.lisola lo Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, January 4, 1836, informing him that the divisions of Ramirez y Sesma and Cos have crossed the Rio Grande. J (1701] [HASKINS NOTICE] Whereas, The General Council have, by a late ordinance and decree reduced the prince of Pilotage, I hereby give notice that I resign and give ·up my commission as Pilot from this date inasmuch as the present rates of Pilotage, will not justify me in keeping a sufficient boat and crew for the Brazos Bar. .

Francis j. Haskins.

Velasco, Jan. 4, 1836.

(1702] [KERR to the PUBLIC]


FELLOW-CITIZENS,-Thc undersigned, a member of the General Council of Texas, acknowledging lhc principle thal all sovereignty of right exists in the people, and recognizing to the fullest extent the right of instruction; and believing that the political opinions of every public man should be well understood, in order that the people may have an opportunity of selecting those as their ag<'nts, whose opinions coincide with their own, has thought proper to publish the follO\ving as his political creed. The usurpations of the aristocratic parly Mexico have placed you in a situation which you so practica.lly uncl,~n;t.nul, that any allusion to them is unnecessary. You lwvc just returned to your homes nushcd with viclory, and all T,·xas is in joy on

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