Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3


To The Honorable the General Council of the Provisional Government of Texas. Citizen Hendrick Arnold most respectfully represents to your Honorable House, that he arrived last night in the neighbor- hood of this town, with the wife and family of his father-in-law, Erastes Smith, who are in a state of deslitu tion and now ·thrown upon the sympathies and generosity of their fellow citizens of Texas. They· have been reduced thereto by the present struggle for liberty, in which Erastes Smith has sacrificed his all, has been wounded and now by and respectfully and earnestly solicits the aid of yotir Honorable House for his indigent family. · San Felipe de Austin, 4th January 1836. ~ I

Hendrick Arnold


Harrisburg Texas Jan. 4th, 1836

To His Excellency the President of the Council of Texas Sir, It seems to have been forgotten by the council that there is a good deal of public or government property in Texas which will hardly be of any use to the government and which if sold would aid considerably in creating a fund-Among others, the public buildings al Anahuac might be sold on probably as good terms now as several years hence. They are certainly not very valuable but they would bring something, and the funds would be _better in use than out. Moreover commissioners to attend the busmess may be appointed among the citizens without incurring any ~xpense-lf the council should think proper to order a sale 1 _of tins property, ~ lake the liberty to suggest that Capt._ Cha_s. "1lcox of Anahu~c, 1s perhaps better acquainted with the s1tuat1on of the pr<:>perty Ill town than any other person in the co~ntr_y, & I am authonsed to say t~1at if he should he authorised he will either tak~ charge of & hold 1t, or he will sell it as the government may wish free of expense to the public. There is probably not above ten or twelve hundred dollars


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