Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3

expedition against Matamoros of Five hundrP.d and thirty men Volunteers of Texas and from the United States-by whom I have been appointed to the command-The Volunteers left Bexar on the 30th of December last for Labahia and from thence to the destined point. I have left in garrison al Bexar 100 men under Command of Lieut Col Neill. This force I consider to be barely sufficient to hold the post and it will require al least Fifty additional troops to place·. it in a strong defensive position. I have orclerccl all the guns from the town into the alamo and the fortifications in the town to be destroyed. I herewith present you the names of the officers to be commissioned for the expedition if it be consistent with the views of your honorable body viz-. Capt B. L. Laurence-1st Lieutenant David Thomas 2nd Lieutenant John Lowry. Capt Thos K. Pearson 1st Lieutenant Edwd J. Johnson 2nd Lieutenant Henry Coney Capt D. N Burke 1st Lieutenant J. B. l\'lcl\'laning 2nd Lieutenant John Lowry. Capt Wm C Cooke 1st Lieutenant C. B. Bannister 2nd Lieutenant John Hall. Capt T. Lewalen 1st & 2nd Lieutenants Blank Commissions Capt H. R. A. Wigginton, Blank Commissions for 1st & 2nd Lieutenants The foregoing are the __companies. .who volunteered for Matamoras, i11 ·addition to which you will be pleased to forward the Commissions of those heretofore forwarded to the Governor. In regard to the expedition I have no hesitation in saying that it is practicable and that not one moment should be lost as the enemy arc concentrating their force at many points in the interior with a view to suppress the liberals of the interior ancl also for the purpose of attacking us in Texas. Therefore I submit the foregoing to your Consideration and ask your authority for making the expedition against Matamoros I have the honor to subscribe myself your most obdt scrvt F. W. Johnson N. B. Please issue Commissions to James Grant as colonel and N. R. Brister as adjutant- F. W. J.


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