Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3

[1696] [HENRIE to SMITH]

Nacogdoches January 3cl-1836

To his Excellency The Governor. Sir,

The letter I wrote you.expressing Judge Rueg's declarations to me on the suhject of giving to Judge Forbes, the documents and public ·papers belonging to his office; was handed to Rueg,and after he read its contents, I asked him if it was right, his answer was yes. But in violation to every promise and declaration he made; .he has with held the papers untill the first of January, at which time he administered, the oath of office, as Judge; to Percenta Cordaway; a mexican and delivered all the papers over to him. seting at defiance the convention of all Texas, and their acts. From the Proceedings, I am satisfied that it is necessary to have a good officer here, with a sufficient number of men to inforce the acts of the convention, and prevent the work of calamities The Alcalda has isued titles to more land within the three Last weeks, than ever were Isued by all the alcaldas, of this place before, but I do not pretent to say what date they Bear. You can more easly Conceive the feelings of the friends to the acts of the convention, and good order, than I can express them. A dinner is to be given, to the Governor in this place tomorow, after which you may expect a letter from me by the first opportunity With Esteem,-Respectfully your Obt. St.

Arthur Henrie

[Addressed:] To his Excellency Henry Smith San Felipe de Austin [ 1697] [JOHNSON to COUNCIL]

San Felipe de Austin 3rd Jany 1836.

To the General Council of Texas.- Gentlemen ·h I h I be leave to represent to your honora e o y t at ave d ·I g - 1 of an official letter addressed to my predecessor un er aut 10ri Y 1\1·1· ff · d d I I the Committee on i, 1 1tary a airs, or ere an Genl Bur eson )Y bl b d


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