Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3

at this unsettled moment of our situation. The time for our return to our dear family cannot be predicted-every bucket of corn we are now using is costing two dollars-Pork 4 lo 5$ per hundred- wild game plenty-Bro William has employed a hunter who will keep us in meat. We must use but little bread & the grass if fine so that our horses will want or require but little when we get settled I expect it will cost us less than in Tennessee. The Extent, beauty and richness of Texas has not been overrated. You cannot conceive anything to surpass it. Good water and timber is scarce. Well water we are told can he had in abundance and the country will justify the resort to cysterns. The time wiJI come & that speedily too when Texas will have. a population equal in intelligence and numbers to any portion of the same extent in America. Aunt Aggy has been will and I never in my life saw her look better. all the negroes are well-Moses & Aggy are both delighted with the country & she says I must tell you many things with her love to everybody. I wrote you my love several times on the way all of which I expect you received. I will seek every opportunity to let you know & here from me and oh how delighted I should be to here once more from my own sweet wife and our dear interesting children-don't let our dear Iittlc William forget me-and tell our dear Boys to be good & obedient & that you & I and God will love them. I know our dear sweet daughter will be good. ·· My dear if you have not recd money from i\laj. Coram al Lexington have him written lo and attend to what I have before said on the subject of business. Ilrother William will write home by the man who carries this, his son, William joined Anderson Haskell & others & went on to San Antonio. He had been left to come on with us from Natchitoches-he has distressed his father very much. l\'ly love to Sisler P. N. & L lo Jane R of ... kiss & Embrace our dear son William & kiss him for me and receive the affcction of your most affectionate hu::;band. Robt I. Chrster


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