could extend lo man on earth, may not be expected here? The rich reward of our labors and our dangers is ever in view, and immediate possession but awaits the successful termination of the present struggle. We hope you have met the government commissioners ere this and that success will attend all your efforts in favor of oppressed Texas. We shall expect to hear from you as often as your convenience will permit, as matters of interest lo our cause shall transpire.
Very respectfully, yours, D. C. Barrett Chairman, of Commillee of State and Judiciary
Council Room,
San F~lipe, January 3, 1836
East Side of the river 11rasos Sunday morning Jan 3 1836
My dear wife
On the night of the first day this instant we reached this place and met Brother William-Bro Sam having met us on the day before. All well-the pain in my right side and sholder excepted-I have suffered greatly with it but my health since a few days after leaving Alexandria has not however hc<>n good. . . . I am now much better than I have been and hope will soon be relieved from it. The Dr says I look as well as he expected.... We are now more than nine hundred miles from you and have made the trip in less time by two weeks than any who have ever made it. This colony-Robison's lias been and still is in a confused situation in relation to the land titles. ~Jany rascally speculations having been carried out & tis thought many of them under tlw sanction & participation of those high in authority. These thing~ & their consequences have presented serious difficulties in makillg selections & settlements. Brother William has made a temporary arrangement for some land in what is called the Weed Prairie-near which there are the most beautiful ... surrounded by cedar groves in which there arc much ... llickorv, llackhcrrv etc and a h1rtr1• • • t" Grass Prairie on the East, tlw -layinir 011 the \\'est \'\: onl~
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