Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3



hands-& the merchants of this have allready sent what they had to Camp by Mr. Moore, 200 lbs and San Antonio is in want of evry thing that an army can want I am Dr. Sr. your obd sevt and sincere Frend Sam!. Williams On the reciept of this please write to me at Bexar [Addressed: l Col. D. C. Barret at San Felipe or Washington (1694] [BARRE'IT to HALL] Sir-Yours of the ninth ult. has been received and read in Council. We rejoice that the proceedings of our Convention have been so well received by the friends of Texas in New Orleans. We hope the doings of the Council may prove equally satisfactory to those, whose good opinions and confidence, it is our wish and interest to secure. If patriotism and honest intentions can effect this object, we shall be gratified. The fruits of our victory over the enemy and the capitula- Captain E. Hall, tion of Bexar, have given us possession of more than thirty pieces of artiUery of various calibre, and in a great measure superseded the necessity of the purchases to have been made by you in behalf of this Government. But our work is by no means finished. The enemy is endeavoring to concentrate and bring upon us a large force which must be met and vanquished as soon as possible after he takes the field: munitions of war and supplies of provisions to be landed al or near the port of Copano as circumstances will admit, is all important to our present and contemplated future operations. Whatever can be done by you, in this way, and sending volunteers to the same destination, will aid your adopted country in the struggle for freedom and constitutional _rights. A cord<;>~ of posts are being established from Bexar by ~ohad t~ San Patnc10 on the Rio Nueces, and government agents will be stationed al each post to receive and provide for volunteers, an? take charge of all public stores. Indeed, we hope to extend the lme to Matamoras al no very distant time. The volunteers on board the Santiago have arrived, and will we trust, be profitably and honorably employed in the gloriou~ cause. The gratitude of the country, and we hope ~ore substantial testimonies will be secured to our brave and magnammous brethren of the north. The struggle once over, an~ peace restore~ to the fair lands of Texas; what that the fondest wishes of the philanthropist

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