Bexar which were defended by seven or eight hundred men and a number of cannon and taken the place by storm against superior numbers and Texas might and in all probability would have been covered with mourning in the hour of victory. On consultation with the officers in councils of war, it was deemed most prudent not to hazard so much in the commencement of the contest when a disaster would have been so materially injurious, and the sistem was adopted of wasting away the resources and spirits and numbers of the enemy by a siege, the ultimate success of which seemed to be certain, without any serious hazard on our part. That the fall of Bexar within a short time will be the result and with very little loss, I have no doubt. I consider the volunteer army to be the main hope of Texas, at this time and until a regular force can be organized, and I recommend that it be sustained and provided for in the most effectual and efficient manner. Before closing this communication, I deem it my du Ly to recommend to the consideration of the Provisional Government the situation of the inhabitants of Bexar and Goliad. The necessary and indispensable operations of the war, has compelled the army to make use of a considerable amount of their property, particularly corn, beef, cattle, etc. So soon as circumstances will permit I respectfully recommend that some sistem be adopted to ascertain the amount of the property thus made use of, and to provide for a Just compensation. This recommendation also extends to horses and other property lost by the volunteers. I will present to the Government another report on a special subject of importance and have the Honor to remain S. F. Austin [1339) [BRYAN to PERRY]
San Felipe De Austin 30th Novr 1835
Dear Father and Mother
Uncle and myself arrived here last night from the camp in good health- Uncle resigned his office on the 24 ult. and we left the next day for this place- I think he will go on to the United States soon, perhaps in a few clays as he was called by the
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