Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3

were constantly arriving from town, They brought up a cannon and fired upon our force at a distance not exceeding one hundred & forty to one hundred· & fifty yards, we still maintained our ground.-They again retreated with their cannon & about fifty yards & fired & then retreated within cannon shot of town & gave us a third fire-Our force then took a position in the heel of a creek & formed to continue the engagement; the enimy however retreated into_Town.-Co\ Sublett the Assistant Adjutant general acted with great bravery & coolness cnc:ourageing the men al evry point of the general engagement Cols Jack & Lieut Col Somerville, Capt~ Swisher, Yprk, Ally, Col_eman, ~plane, ~radley & Lieut Roberts & 'fear onhc Infantry were engaged in the action; and in relation to the conduct of officers and men, I have but one remark & that is, that none could have fought more bravely-The loss of the enimy must have been very considerable, fifteen were found dead on the field & seven wounded they were seen carrying off several during the engagement-many more must have been killed & wounded, the ground on which the battle was fought was so extensive that it was not particularly examined, Col Bowie who commenced the action is of opinion that the loss of the enimy is exceeding sixty men- Our loss is one man missing & four wounded .(non dangerous) Adjutant Brister of the New Orleans Greys sustained his post during the action with bravery that reflects much credit on himself & the gallent corps witi1 which he marched to our •· assistance- During the engagement a heavy commonading was kept up between the Alimo & our encampment Edward Burleson Commander in Chief of the Vollenteer army Wm T Austin Aid de Camp P.S. Enclosed I send you the report of Col Wm H Jack on the subject of the above named battle Edward Burleson Commander in Chief of the Vollenteer army Wm T Austin Aid de Camp


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