Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3

education, habils, customs, language, and local wants from all the rest of the nation, and especially where a portion of the central power have manifested violent Religious prejudices and jealousies against them. But no nalional convention was convened and the constitution has been and is violated and disregarded. The Constilutinal authority of the State of Coahuila and Texas solemnly prolested against the change of Government for which act they were driven by military force from office and imprisoned. The people of Texas protested against it as they had a right to do for which they have been declared rebels by the Government in Mexico. However necessary then the basis established by the decree of 3 of Octobr may be to prevent civil wars and anarchy in other parts of Mexico, it is attempted to be effected by force and unconstitutional means. However beneficial it may be to some parts of Mexico, it would be runious to Texas. This view of the matter presents the whole subject to the people. If they submit to a forcible and unconslitutional destmction of the social compact, which they have sworn to support, they violate their oaths, if they submit to be tamely destroyed they disregard-their duty to themselves and violate the first law which God stamped upon the heart of man, civilized or savage, which is the Law, or the right of self preservation. The decree of the 3 October therefore if carried inlo effect evidently leaves no remedy for Texas but resistance, secession from Mexico and a direct resort to natural right. Such I believe to be the view which the volunteer army late under my command have taken of this subject, and such in substance the principles they are defending and will defend. That they are sound and just and merit the approbation of impartial men of all nations, I sincerely believe. It may be out of place to speak of myself in such a communication as this, but I deem it to be due to say that I have faithfully labored for years to unite Texas permanently to Lhe Mexican confedcration by separating its local governmenl and internal administration so far as practicable from every olher part of Mexico, and placing it in the hands of the people of Texas, who are certainly best acquainted with their own local wants and could best harmonize in legislating for them. There was but one way to


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