to l\'latamoras & who declare in the most positive manner that should this not be undertaken they will return home direct from hence. The conseriuence of this following so immediately on their footsteps who have already departed with the full intention of venting their complaints against the country would be a death blow to the tide of emigration from the U. States, & of course of great detriment to the holy cause in which we have embarkd. I could not have retained a man of even my old company another 24 Hours, excepting under the condition of proceeding to the Interior, & they without exageration form the best disiplind corps now in Texas. Under such circumstances I was left no right to choose & tomorrow we take up the line of march before which I expect the expedition will be joined by abt 100 -150 more now on the road from U.S. most of them belonging to parts of compys already arrived * who have been sent for to hurry on by their own commanders. I have the highest confidence in the success of the expedition, as our accounts from the interior are of the most encouraging nature - and I do not doubt that we shall have at least from 5-8000 men to join us, as a large number is now awaiting us impatiently. I take the liberty of enclosing you a letter from a friend of mine, who is also an old friend & comrade of yours, which I should have sent ere this, were it not that I had strongly hoped twould have been in person. You wilJ perceive from it that I am not a mere seeker of fortune, but one who has earnestly at heart the prosperity & liberty of your beautiful country. With the highest regard, I have the honor to be Sir, Your obd. st. Robert Morris [To Sam Houston] [1332] [PERRY ET AL to GOVERNMENT] . ' To the Provisional Government of Texas The undersigned petitioners would respectuflly represent to you that the sea coast of Texas is in a totally defenceless and unprotected state and the commerce of the country, as well as the lives and property of the people upon the sea coast is at the mercy of the enemy.
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