Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3

order, we should be utterly at a loss to account for your conduct, had you done otherwise, but by regarding you as an accomplice of Frasier and Western. Fort of Goliad Nov: 29th. 1835. Yours Respectfully Francis Keller John J. Bowman Benjn I. White

I hereby certify the foregoing

to be a true copy of the

Original, now in my possesion.

Ira Ingram Sec'y

Fort of Goliad Nov. 29th 1835

[13301 [INGRAM to ROYALL]

[Ira Ingram, Goliad, to R. R. Royall, San Felipe, November 29, 1835, reporting on the proceedings of a court of inquiry at Goliad on Philip Dimill's seizure of tobacco there.]

[1331] [MORRIS to HOUSTON]

St Antonio de Bexar 29th Novr 1835


Your kind letter of 21st Inst was recd on last night, and I hasten to reply. The honor of the appointment to which you were so good as to send is appreciated with the highest feeling of gratitude, but under existing circumstances I am compelled to decline it. There was no one more ardently wished you as a·leader in the Camp & your appearance there at any period previous to the taking of Bexar, would have given you the command of the army by eleven twelfths of the votes. I often urged upon Col Soublet the necessity of calling on you & which I have no doubt he did. There are now here 225 men, nearly all from the U. S. who on no consideration will enter into any service connected with the Regular Army, the name of which is a perfect Bugbear to them, & to them I promised to be one of those who lead them on the road


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