for you-but in the name of the Constitution for which we arc fighting let the unfinished business be closed-& let the order come immediately-all surveys, since the enactment of the ordinance for sloping land oppcralions, arc not received & the surveyors arc sworn on that point-so that no injury can result lo the men in the army lo let that part of the business be complcated.- Nacogdochcs & St. Augustine have not been behind any other part of Texas in assisting the progress of the war-& in return they ask but a small favour & for god's sake grant it-As I found ii impossible lo give my personal services lo the cause I have nol hecn sparing with my purse limited as my means have been-I have contributed more than S500 to the cause; as can he made appear-I say this lo you as a friend & not boasti11gly- You know, my Dear sir, J do nol hastily form my oppinions-& therefore I think you will listen to me-grant but the one thing I request & we are safe-refuse it & I know not what may ensue-I speak advisedly-think for yourself and act accordingly- One thing more-a new Election is the voice of the People-let it be ordered by the government or council-If you wish lo serve again, rest assured of my influence-what ever it may be-but come home if you can before hand I have now prelly well closed my private affairs-& hold myself ready lo obey the will of my friends- . Write me immediately, even by express if no other way, in case of any thing of importance-& I will contribute my part of the expense-or the whole if necessary-but let me hear from instan- ter.- Read this letter or any part of il lo my friend Henry l\'lillard-& get him lo use his influence for the obtaining of the objects above named-I have many things lo say lo you which I can not write for want of Lime & some other reasons- Act upon my word this time you will find at a future clay you will not have cause lo repent it-I make my request predicated upon things I do not wish lo commit lo paper- I was al your house not long since-your family was in good health-& cvry thing going on well if you are only as patriotic as your wife you will never disgrace Texas- Your Friend John A. Veatch
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