Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3


San Felipe de Austin Dec.19.1835 Gentlemen

Allow me to introduce to your acquaintance Maior Hawkins; you will find him a gentleman every way qualified to serve us in the present crisis, and a pleasant companion from the recommendation of gentlemen of my accquaintances. I have no doubt but he would be scrvisablc in the Navy, of Texas, as such I recommend him to your attention Your Obt. Svts.

James W. Robinson Lt. Gov. & Ex officio Prs. of the Gen. Council

Messrs. 8. T. Archer, S. F. Austin and Wm H. Wharton Esquires

(15561 [TEAL to HOUSTON]

[Henry Teal, Nacogdoches, lo Sam Houston, December 19, 1835, recommending Dr. .Motley 1or a position in the army.] (15571 [VEATCH to HANKS]

Nacogdoches Dec. 19th 1835

Mr. Hanks My Dear Sir,

I am happy of the present opportunity of writing you-it is not the first that has occured, but it is the first time my business would allow me an opportunity-Private business being of minor importance, l shall immediately Commence on public affairs- If you arc a friend lo harmony and uninimity among the people of the Eastern part of the Country for god's sake let me entreat you to obtain immediately or to strive for an amelioration· of the act for closing the land offices-let th,~ business allreacly commenced he finished, or the consequences may be more serious than you arc aware of-I speak Lo you as a fricnu-1 have no private intcrest,-cvery title in which l am conccrnccl is protected, & some in which l knew you to be concerned I have taken ou l of the office


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