him I have no doubt that he will exert himself in the performance of the duties allached lo his station. Am in haste Your Obl Scrvl Albert Martin I have been confined for some lime lo the house, owing lo a serious cut in my foot from an axe, but am recovering fast. I have often thought of our frequent interviews. our 'cidevanl' Commandant al Bexar (Urgatachea) In my own opinion I think that Gen. Cos is dead and was so before the fall of Bexar. I shall leave in few days for Bexar with an assortment of Spanish goods which I have fought for from the time of their landing in this Country. My business has suffered much during the War. Remember me to Mr. Clements from this place [1554] [MEXIA to DEPOSJTION I 1, Citizen Jose Antonio Mexia, Brigadier General in the armies of the Mexican Federation, do certify, that Geo. Fisher joined me in New Orleans in the month of November last, and that after having contributed personally lo the organization of the expedition, which was enlisted there under my orders, he accompanied me in the capacity of Secretary. Thal in that capacity he was al my side in Tampico and in Texas, and that his pure and disinterested management, his services and his activity, entitle him lo the public consideration, to which I recommend him. Quintana, 19th Dec. 1835. Jose Antonio Mexia
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