Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3

present themselves lo you for orders. You will direct them to proceed to whatever point you deem best & enlist as many men as will fill your command if possible & make weekly reports of their success to you. Y 011 will also report semi-monthly to Head Quarters. You will particularly observe that discipline is expected from both officers & men & from your know skill & capability much is expected from you. By order of the Commander in Chief Geo. W. Poe acting adjutant Gent P. S. You will detail a competent subaltern to procure Rations Quarters &c for the recruits enlisted at the several Rendezvous within your district. (1552] [JOHNSON to GOVERNOR]

Head Quarters St. Anto. de Bejar Dec. 19th 1835

To His Excellency the P. Governor of Texas, Sir:

I have the honor to acquaint your Excellency that in addition to the supplies already mentioned, we required for the use of the Artillery & non-commissioned officers Two hundred swords, & for the Infantry three hundred cartouche Boxes with Belts I have the honor to be, Your Excellencies,

most obt. servt. · F. W. Johnson

(1553] [MARTIN lo BARRETT]

Gonzales Deer. 19th 1835


Dear Sir As there is a first Inspector to be appointed at the Custom House al Lavaca, permit me lo introduce lo you for the appointment Mr. Nicholas Peck who has been a sea Capt. and upon whose integrity we can rely. Should the office be given lo



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