Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3


Head Quarters Washington 19 Deer 183!'>


On receipt of this you will proceed to whaleve·r point you deem best for the interests of the service & then recruit as many men as you possibly can, so that you report your command & yourself in person lo the Officer Commanding the post of Copano or Matagorda by the first of March next. Enclosed are I31ank Enlistments - should you not have sufficient you will cause more to be printed - also Instructions for Officers on the recruiting service - which you will observe. The Commander in Chief wishes particularly to be noticed that as order & discipline are lo be rigidly observed you will notice his wishes to that cffect drilling bothc Officers & men. For funds you will draw on the Paymaster General at Head Quarters who will be advised of your authority to draw & you send duplicate receipts Lo him & also one Lo the Adjutant General al Head Quarters. You will also report semi-monthly of your success lo Head Quarters. Much is left to your judgement & discretion & the Commanding Officer feels confident your utmost exertions will be used Lo promote the Interests of the Service. By Order of the Commander in Chief Geo. W. Poe Acting adjutant Genl. [Endorsed:] Copy of an Order to Major Wm. P. Miller.


Head Quarters Washington 19 Deer 1835

Majo ;Williamson Corps Rangers Sir

You will proceed lo Mina & there establish your Head Quarters for recruiting. Herewith you have Instructions for recruit- ing Service & you will furnish each officer with a Copy of same - for their information - also is a list of the officers orclt·rccl to

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