Quarters by letter. Much is left to your jwlgcmenl & <liscrelion in selecting a position & you will of course examine all the points al which il ii- possible to effect the object choosing that which is most desirable. Wlwn establishe<l & the necessary sheller for provisions & Stores & Clothing which may arrive al the port shall be completed & you have leave lo repair lo New Orleans and procure as many recruits as possible so as to be at your post again by the first clay of March nexl. Unlill you can procure & leave in Command a highly competent Officer you will remain in Command until otherwise ordered. You will detail a discrccl & clever man to discharge the duties of Quarter Master & give drafts on the General Council for the necessary supplies of your Command. Certified on honor by the Commanding Officers. You will make reports of your command &c by every conveyance afforded.
Sam Houston Commander in Chief
By Order Geo. W. Poe
acting adjutant Genl.
(1548] [HOUSTON to AUSTIN et alj
San Felipe de Austin, J 9th Dec, 1835. Gentlemen, With pleasure l recommend to your particular notice, Maj. Chas. E. Hawkins who is anxious to embark in the NavaJ service of Texas: For several years past I have been acquainted with the Major; and his standing in the U. States Navy was first rate, as a brave and capable officer. In 1826 he left the service of the U. Stales, and entered the Mexican Navy, under Commodore Porter and is familiarly acquainted with the coast of the Gulph. I am not acquainted with any individual, whom I wou'd rather see interested in the Navy of Texas, than the Major, for the reason, that I believe him lo be the most important acquisition which we can obtain lo our service at this time. If you should think proper to engage him, on terms which will insure his future usefulness to us, I will be gratified. With my best wishes for your health and the success of
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