Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3

The post master-at this place ought to be removed as I hear many Loud Complaints about him and I am Led to believe that Mr. Hoffman Would make a much better postmaster-Mr Raguel the present post master says he will never support the acts of the Convention thay they acted without authority and used Every Exertion at a meeting a few Eveings since here declareing You all a set of demi Gods With other of the most opprobious Language- I would Respectfully recommend To the Council The propriety of ordering a new Election for members of the Convention forth with that there may be lime to hold the Election, this would be a very popular movement-I am assured that Mr R. Berry is now Engaged in lssueing Land titles to 150-leagues of land-he is acting under a commission as it is said from the gov of Coahuila & Texas, and it is said that there are a number of Commissioners Engaged in clearing out and makeing titles of which the Puhlick Know nothing about There is a deputation here from Red river Who have come from there lo learn the stale of affairs here, and they have deputed l\'lr. Jas Clark To act as their representative till they can go home and Elect a set of Delegates to represent them in the Convention when it meets Mr Clark will be on in a few days to ask for his seat in the Council, the red River folks say, the speculators are Running in all their improvements. I RespcctfoUy and Earnestly Solicit You to take my situation into consideration and give me the power of Compieing my mission or allow me lo resign. I would Resign now, but for The difficulty of appointing Commissioner and though Very seriously lo my Private Injury, I do not nay, I will not leave my post, untill superseded or till my duty is fulfilled With Sentiments of The Highest Consideration I Have the Honor To be Your Excellencys Truly obt & humble servt

S. H Everitt comr · for closing land office



Head Quarters Washington 19 Deer 1835

Capt. Jno. M. Allen Sir

You will proceed immediately with your command to the neighborhood of Copano & then make an Encampment where you can command the port & protect the Stores which may be landed there and on your arrival there you will report yourself to Head

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