Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3


of the novel mathematical instruments of Gen. St. Anna: Nay that · he may become so placable as to permit a boundary yet westward of the Naches.

I remain very Respectfully Dear Sir Anthony Butler

[To Andrew Jackson]

[1544] [CALDWELL to SMITH]

Gonzales 19th Dec. 1835

His Excellency Govr Smith San Felipe De Austin Sir

I have now the honor to give you a report of my proceedings in the discharge of my public duty as Sub-Contractor to the Volunteer Army of Texas which 1 hope will receive your approbation. I am on the point of sending out a company in pursuit of the Indians, who committed last night depredations on this neighborhood, and they have also been seen between this and Cibolo . Four· wagons will leave this day for the Army at Bexar with supplies, consisting of Coffee, Sugar, Soap, Salt, Corn Meal and blankets, forty beeves will also leave al the same time, with about 5 Cwt of iron, and I intend contracting with Capt Bateman for l 0,000 lbs Pork, all which I trust will be of seasonable relief Considering that two pieces of Artillery are requisite for the protection of this frontier, I shall request Lhe Commander al Bexar to furnish me with them, say one 6 and one 4 pounder. The funds placed at my disposal, are nearly exhausted, as per account annexed and I have respectfully lo suggest a further supply in order to meet immediate and pressing wants. Five Kegs powder and some lead remain on hand to be forwarded when required, Permit me to recommend to your Excellency my Assistant Mr Edward Gritton; whose services have been useful, and who ( fately. performed an important one, in conveying supplies of

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