Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3

charging our Government and people with promoting and supporting that Revolt with sinister views, with the view of acquiring the Territory: He has sworn that not an Inch of the Territory shall be separated from Mexico, that the U. States shall never occupy one foot of Land west of the Sabine etc. etc. You will scarcely believe how far he has suffered his passion to mislead and betray him, but I must nevertheless relate you one anecdote, to illustrate what I have stated. On a recent occasion the French and British Ministers waited upon him on some joint application, there was in audience beside these Ministers some 8 or 10 other Gentlemen; Santa Anna as usual very soon began to speak of the affairs of Texas, and as a consequence introduced the U. States. He spoke of our desire to possess that Country, declared his full knowledge that we had instigated and were supporting the Revolt, and that he would in due Season Chastise us for it. Yes Sir, he said chastise us: he continued, I understand that Gen. Jackson sets up a claim to pass the Sabine, and that in running the division line, hopes to acquire the Country as far as the Naches. "Sir said he, (turning to a Gentleman present) I mean to run that line at the Mouth of my Cannon, and after the line is Established, if the Nation will only give me the Means, only afford me the necessary Supply of Money I will march to the Capital, I will lay Washington City in Ashes, as it has already been once done", (turning and bowing to the British .Minister). Don't suppose that I am hoaxing, to be sure the conduct is so extraordinary for a man in the Station of Gen. St. Anna, the Gasconade is so utterly unworthy of a man possessing the smallest portion either of Understanding or self respect, that it is difficult to bring one's self to the belief of so much extravagance acted by the chief of a Nation. Yet it is true, I had it in the first instance from persons entitled to the fullest credit, and it was confirmed to me subsequently by the British .Minister himself, in every thing except the bow addressed to him, he disclaims that; but my other informant insists on his version of the Story as true. There is little doubt but that Genl. Santa Anna will be taught a lesson by the people of Texas themselves how difficult it would be to reach even the Sabine River much less visit our Capital, and the news which January will bring, may perhaps convince him that the best policy he can adopt is to relinquish Texas altogether. I am confident that his views on this subject no less than his language will undergo a very complete change in less than two months, perhaps indeed in less than one; so that I am of opinion, the Theodolite and Compass may yet serve for running the line, instead

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