brave & patriotic citizen and wiJl be glad to know that he has received it from the General Council.
Your friend P. A. Sublett
[To Sam Houston]
[John Thruston, Washington, to Sam Houston, December 18, 1835, requesting a position in the regular army and staling that he came to Texas with Capt. Tarleton from Louisville but that "there was a division of the company which resulted in the number of 23 out of 38 who seceded from Tarleton and appointed H. R. A. Wigginton as captain . . . he retained the whole amount of money cookina utensils &c. leaving us without even a ration of provisions he taking the road for St. Antone and we proceeding lo this point, wlience we will depart for St. Antone on tomorrow ..."] [1542] [TRIPLETT to HOUSTON] [Robert Triplett, Nacogdoches, to Sam Houston, December 18, 1835, recommending Dr. Motley, who "visits your region with a view of reaping laurels, or healing wounds, upon the field of battle."] [1543) [BUTLER to JACKSON] Mexico City, December 19, 1835. Dear Sir, This country is in a perfect tempest of passion in consequence of the Revolt in Texas and all breathe vengeance against the devoted Country: Fortunately for the Inhabitants they are beyond the reach of this threat'ned chastisement, for if they are only commanded and directed with tolerable judgment they may defy double the force which Mexico is able to send against them, and can cut up in detail the Mexican forces as fast as they arrive. Upon this subject Genl. Santa Anna is perfectly furious, mad, and has behaved hi111self in the most undignified manner, boasting of what he would do not only with the Insurgents of Texas but also with the United States, who he has identified with the Revolt,
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