[1539) [SMITH to COUNCIL]
Executive Department of Texas.
To !he Ho:1orablc, the Pres:clent, and Members of the Legislative Council: Gentlemen:-
! herewith transmit to your body, a communication received from the commander-in-chief of the army, in which he complains of delays on your part, in making the necessary appropriations for the recruiting service. l t must be obvious to all, that everything connected with the speedy organization of the army, should be allended to as speedily as possible, and that no obstacle should be thrown in the way in the least calculated to retard that object which is so essentially necessary to the protection of the country. I therefore confidently hope that your body will immediately consider the maller and make such appropriations as will be ample and sufficient for that service, and place it under such restrictions and securities, as wiU be calculated in all ·cases, to secure the Government from fraud and imposition, and by no means permit any barrier to remain, in the least calculated to retard or discourage the recruiting service, on which so much depends. I further have to suggest to you, the propriety of appointing the commissioners on the part of the Government, to carry into effect the Indian treaty as contemplated by the Convention; I can see no difficulty which can reasonably occur in the appointment, or selecting the proper agents on our part, having so many examples and precedents before us. The United States have universally sent their most distinguished military officers to perform such duties, because the Indians generally look up to, and respect their authority as coercive and paramount; I would therefore suggest the propriety of authorizing General Sam Houston of the army, and Colonel John Forbes of Nacogdoches, who has already been commissioned as one of my aids. These commissioners would go especially instructed, so that no wrong could be committed wither to the Government, the Indians, or our individual citizens. All legitimate rights would be respected and no others; I am well aware that we have no right to transcend the superior order and declaration made by the Convention; that we
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