Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3

plighted foilh lo them, if lhe 14th sec. of the organic law is held in strict force. Your petitioner respectfully asks this council lo lake their case into consideration, and lo afford him & his colonists such protection & relief, as ever directs a just & prudent Govt. in the exercise of legal & equitable trusts reposed in them by the people Sterling C R~berlson On the 15th day of April 1825 Robt Leftwich obtained a grant for the colony now known as the Nashville Colony, and afterwards on the 27th day of Oct 1827 it was conceded lo the Nashville Company and Hosea 1-1 League appointed Empresario and the law of the 6th of April prevented them from complying with their contract, that afterwards on the 22nd day of May 1824 the Government reinstated said Company and prorogued their contract for four years that contract has been partly complied with & the the Empresario S C Robertson has just returned from Tennessee with a number of families who are wailing for their lilies that the Emigration lo the Colony is verry rapid, and unless those Colonists obtain their lilies they will abandon the Country, that unless the land office is permilled lo go on the Country must be abandoned- that the scattering selllemenls cannot sustain themselves, some settlements have been abandoned and others must be unless the selllcmenl is perm itteel to go on Deer 18th 1835 50 families before Robertsons arrival IS-with Robertson on the 6th Deer 14-with Col Hayes on the 7th IO-who have sent their agent from Nacogoches lo select their lands & buy provisions 6-at the Navosolo 8-single men al the Navosolo IO-with Weatherhead who by this lime are in the Colony 2-Brown & Slaughter 61-wilh whom Robertson has conversed & contracted with There are numbers of other families on the Road with whom Robertson has conversed & contracted with which will com- plete his contract before the Isl day of ~lay next

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