forward to this place all the Cannon balls & powder which can be procured now in the Country.
I have the honor to be Yr. Most Excys. Most Obt. Servlr. F. W. Johnson
Com. in Chief Fed. Vol. Army of Texas
San Augustine Deer 18th 1835
To General Houston, Dear Sir
Allow me to trouble you with a request that my name, through you, be laid before the coLLncil of Texas as an Applicant for the situation of Capt. of Artillery in the regular service, or as adjutant in the same corps. I would state to the Council that my reasons for not being in the field as a Volunteer has been on account of the ill health of my family, as they are about to returne to my friends in the State of New York. I shall be left at liberty & be happy to serve you - I can give the council no other assurance of my capacity at present, than that I have been at West Point as a Cadet in the U.S. service two years & that in consequence of the inaction of the Army, I resigned that situation (as I could not apply for any other while holding it) for one in the Navy which I lost. Since that time for six years, I have served in the corps of Civil Engineers in the Stale of New York for which I have letters from commissioner & chief Engineer to show - I have been Employed on the Rail Road between Schanectady & Albany as assist. Engineer through its construction, & on the Shenango Canal in the same capacity & in February 1835, I left the service of the Utica & Schenectady R. Road Co. as Resident Engineer for Texas - I would much like to be connected with your corps of Regulars & would be happy to serve yourself & Council as well as Texas. I am Respectly your Humble Servant Grenville l\lills
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