Notice To Ship-Masters. Dy an ordiance and decree of the honorable, the General Council of Texas, it is made the duty of all Captains of vessel, Lo deliver their letter bags Lo the Collector, before "breaking hulk;" and a penalty of five hundred dollar as affixed for a violaclion of the law. Those concernedare therefore required Lo comply strictly with the law under the above penalty. F. J. Haskins, P. Master, Velasco. Dec. 18 (1835)
Hea<:I Quarters Washington 18th Deer 1835
In directing the shipment of provisions to any port should the vessel you place on which they are placed be sufficiently armed you will direct them to proceed to Copano - so that in the event of that place not being in our possession - she may he enabled to return to Matagorda. Should she not be armed you will direct your shipments to Matagorda. This order extends only to provisions - & the Commander in Chief feels confident that the utmost despatch will be used in percuring & shipping the articles needed. to Col. Macomb Col. Wharton Col. Huston [1533] [HUSTON to HOUSTON] Sam Houston Comr in Chief [A. Huston, San Augustine, to Sam Houston, December 18, 1835, recommending G. Mills of New York for a position in the regular army.]
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