Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3


Mill Creek, Deer. 17th. 1835.

Hon. James W. Robinson

Dear. Sir-I have understood, though not officially that the General Council have done me the honor to appoint me first Major in the Artillery Regl. I feel highly sensible of this mark of distinction, and I return my sincere thanks to the honorable body over which you preside for the honor they have intended me; yet believing that I could not be so useful in the artillery as elsewhere, I beg leave to decline the office or if I have been commissioned to resign the same. you will do me a favor by communicating this lo the council, although I am sensible that it is not regular, that I should make this communication until I should have been officially notified of my appointment. I have taken the liberty of making this request of you, in order that the Genl. Council may make another appointment immediately lo prevent delay in the organization of the Regular Army which Texas has to look to for her ultimak defence, I would thank you lo put Francis W. Johnson in nomination for the office of Major in the artillery lo fill the vacancy. He is an old seLtler and has many claims to the favorable consideration of the council. I understand that he commanded in the storm of San Antonio after the death of the lamented Milam-. I hope the council will take measures to fit out an expedition immediately to take the port and city of Matamoras-I refer your Excellency to a letter I have just written lo Mr. Hanks of the Military Com. for my views on this subject; and I hope you will agree with me- I intend to join the expedition if one is gotten up, unless prohibited by superior orders, and J will execute lo the best of my ability any command which the council may see proper to confer on me. With considerations of high respect t I have the honor to be etc. etc. etc. W. B. Travis P. S. This letter is entirely private and not intended to be read to


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