Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3

rendering himself unworthy of a seat in your body. All the foregoing charges with many others not communicated I am .informed from sources unquestionable, are facts, which can be established by living witnesses. I therfore deem it a duty which you owe to me, to yourselves,. and to your constitutents to suspend Mr. Barrett from holding a seat in your council until he honorably aquits himself of the above charges And that you award to him a day, allowing time for the testimony to be procured, and that he be heard in his defence before your honorable body in conformity with the laws and decrees in such cases made and provided, and that justice be awarded lo him as he may merit. With due deference, the foregoing together with the bill, is transmitted to you honorable body for your consideration and corresponding effects.

By your objt Henry Smith Governor

(1527) (SMITH to HOUSTON]

Executive Department of Texas General Order

To Sam Houston Esq Commander in Cheif [ ] of the Army Sir

You will adopt such Measures as you may deem best, for the reduction of Matamoros-and the occupation of such posts as you may deem necessary for the protection of the frontier-keeping up a constant system of vigilance necessary for the protection of the country San Felipe de Austin Henry Smith Deer 17, 1835 Governor [Addressed:"] Executive Department of Texas-Official To Genl. Sam. Houston Commander in Chief of the Army of Texas


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