list, and strike out the names of Edward Gritten and D. C. Barrell, and let others be substilu Led in their stead. l never can exlend to them commissions, unless compelled by a constitutional majority of your body, for the reasons which follow: First, of Mr. Gritten, as Collector of Revenue of the port of Capano. IL is well known that Mr. Gritten made his first appearance in Texas as secretary of Col. Almonte, who was an avowed spy upon us under the orders of Santa Anna; an Englishman by birth and a Mexican by adoption and long residence; allied lo our enemies by affinity and commerce, he has not joined our army and I have ever considered him a spy upon us. It must be evident that we have good, honest and capable men whose interests identify them with the country and whose characters are above suspicion, and I confidently hope your honorable body will make another selection. Respecting Mr. D. C. Barrett, I regret extremely that it is my disagreeable and painful though bounden duty to object to his appointment as 'Judge Advocate General of all of the armies of Texas, with the rank and pay of Colonel in the line. I object, in the first place, because the office is new and unheard of in the country. And secondly, I am bound to prefer against Mr. Barrell the following specification of charges: Charge l. For forging an Attornies licence in the slate of North Carolina and practicing under such forged licence until detected and disgraced Charge 2-For taking a fee as Lawyer, on both sides of the case, thereby for swearing and rendering himself odious and unworthy lo be trusted. Charge 3-For acknowledging and certifying from under his own hand, that he had lied, and extending to the injured persons, what is generaly known and considered a liebele Charge 4-For swindling by attempting lo pass counterfeit money knowing it to be such. Charge 5-For universal lying and deception, thereby rendering himself odious and contemptiable. Charge 6-For embezeling the money subscribed as outfit lo him and Mr. Crillen, as commissioners sent on the part of at the Committee al San Felipe, to confer with Genl. Cos at Matamoras. They neither went to their intended destination, nor have they made a showing of what they did do. Charge 7-For failing lo perform the duties confered upon him by the late convention, as a member of the committee lo superintend the correct publication of the proceedings of that body, as such
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