investigate it, and as soon as possible, that your body will be good enough to make from the whole a succinct official report for the public eye as you may deem expedient and best calculated to be circulated in handbill form, in order that it be published and circulated immediately.
I am, gentlemen, Your obedient servant, HENRY SMITH, Governor.
December 17, 1835.
(15261 [SMITH to COUNCIL]
[ December 1 7, 1835] Gentlemen: Your list of the names of various persons elected by your body to fill the different offices therein named has received my consideration. With most of the persons elected I have no acquaintance, but feel bound lo presume inasmuch as you are the guardians of the people, you feel the responsibility of the trust reposed, and would notconfor an appoinlment of eiLher honor, trust or profit on any man either unworthy or incapable of performing the functions of his office. Just emerging, as il were, from chaos, and assuming something like an organized form of government, we should be extremely cautious and fill our offices, both civil and military, with men who are honest and capable and who love virtue for her sake alone. To such men I would extend commissions with a satisfaction which can be much heller fell than expressed. When, however, nominations are returned by your body of individuals within my own knowledge, who are to receive commissions al my hands lo fill high, honorable and important stations, who have either by design or otherwise been imposed upon you, it is a duty which I owe to you, myself and my constituents, lo notify you of your error. Ever feeling the weight of responsibility placed upon me by the suffrages of the people, as guaradian of their rights, however unpleasant or painful the task, sheer justice shall be administered lo the best of my abilities, without favor or affection. Having thus premised, I beg the favor of your honorable body to reconsider two of the appointments contained in your
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