is of a very delicate nature and much of the minutia must be left lo your known prudence in carrying into effect the views of the council as expressed in the foregoing instructions Report to the council as soon as practicable your views & success in this business also in what light you view the Wm Robins as we learn the cannon that Mexia brot has been put on her whether as a national armed vessel or privateer With sentiments of respect Thos. F McKinny Esqr. James W. Robinson Lt Gov. & Exofficio Pres. of the Gen Council P. S. Judge Hanks wishes me to say to you that he is sick & has recd. no letter from you lately Jas. W. Robinson (15231 [SMITH to AUSTIN et al]
Executive Depart of Texas
To the Honorable The Agents of the People of Texas Stephen F Austin Branch T. Archer William H Wharton Esqrs Gentlemen
The honl. President and Members of the General Council request me, by a resolution of their body, to instruct you as follows-viz That you will not furnish any out fit to Mexicans who pretend to be our friends. Such as Mexia and others; who profess to belong to the liberal party, but leave that matter for the Government here to judge, whose duty il is and who will be governed by their acts and not by their promises. And I farther have to request of you that all your correspondence as Agents will be addressed as you have previously been instructed and not directed to the council. You will have agents in all the cities to correspond with us through you. I am Gentlemen Your Obt St San Felipe de Austin Deer 17, 1835 The Council requests you appoint agent in all the principal
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