San Philipe De Austin Dec 17 1835
Confidential Sir
On this day by the same express that takes this to you will also take you information of your appointment of agent for the Government to Lake charge of & keep all public stores at Velasco- and also an order of the council requiring you "to detain and put in store all the Cannon small arms Ammunition &c &c brought to Velasco by Gen Mexia & nol suffer them to be taken out of your posession on any account untill further order from this council The council is informed that you have paid 2000$ lo Gen. Mexia for the charter of the vessel that brought off his men & officers from Tampico, as he is not disposed to enter into our service and obey our orders; you will treat him kindly & politely but do nol advance one cent on any account unless specially ordered by the Governor or Council as we are now thoroughly satisfied that this man is not disposed to cooperate with us in Lhe way that we can afford him any aid of the pecunuary kind and the advances of money, clothing &c &c already made him must be paid for by him, before he can be received into our service unless he complies with the requisitions of the Government, and this Gen. Mexia refuses to do the authority sent you will be used as circumstances may require, no money must be paid or advanced him on account of the Government by any of its ageants Capt Allen (formerly under Mexia) is on his way to our army and has entered our service & his men, and we learn that some of his command is al Columbia & at your place you will aid and encourage them to come on and join their Capt. now on their way to Goliad & from thence to Sanpatricia on the Nuissas River-they will be entitled lo 8$ pr month, 800 acres of Land and 24$ bounty Your advances to Mexia, the council do not by any means intend to sensure as it was within the scope of the authority you and Col. Pettis but they wish to guard you in relation to further supplies of money &c. Your duty arising out of your intercourse with Gen. Mexia
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