Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3

practicable the condition of Capt Allen and his company and make then arrangements that may be necessary- I found Mr Thos F McKinney-a Texian in feeling and in action-ready and willing to do any thing and give any thing that might promote the cause of Texas. He asst!red me that so soon as a supply of articles of any kind arrived that could be useful the army should be supplied with them-and I must say inasmuch as no man could do more so no man can deserve better of his country- I have thus far endeavored to discharge jy duty first to the army before Bexar and generally towr'ds Texas-The taking of that place has long been my desire-and I have always looked upon it as the key to Texas-I am still willing to give my aid and my exertions lo defending it-and in any thing that I can particularly benefit the army there I am still willing to give my services-My family and my home require at this time some little of my attention & I must request inasmuch as Bexar has fallen to discharged for the present from the office conferred on me-

Respectfull) Wm Pettus

[1521] [POWER to MALONE]

Sanfilipe Deer 17th 1835

Mr John Mullone Dear Friend

I wish you to come on to take my place in the consul as soone as possible should you not come send Mr Frasier. I ,~ish you to bring on a good horse that I may return on the same as 1l cost a hat full of money to support a horse here I hope to have the pleasure of seeing you in 8 or 9 days from this time

Yours Truly James Power


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