horses and the necessarry conveyances for a forced march caused a Collission between the Americans and the foreigners under the command of Gen Mexia-The Americans determined to proceed at all events forthwith the Bexar-and I procured for as many as was in my power means for their transportation-and by this time they are no doubt considerably advanced on their way. The foreigners desiring to rell1rn to Quintana have under the command of Gen Mexia returned to that place accompanid by a part of the Americans. In Justice lo Capt AUen Gen Mexia gave a discharge of the most flattering kind-putting him under my charge as Contractor for the army- Capt Allen had arrived at this place with me for the purpose of being further advised as to his future operations. Inasmuch as some reports have been circulated lo the prejudice of this force-I will say that Capt Allen so far as I have witnessed is a gentleman in every sense and entitled to the grateful attentions of your body and the men while under his command were kept in strict obediance-and although some things may have been done by some of the force-they were not of an agravatednature not more than ought to be expected in these limes nor more than the complaints made against some of our own citizens. The accomadation furnished Gen Mexia are considerable-as will be seen in my monthly report-After the seperation I furnished to Capt Allen Fifty Dollars from my own private funds- The measures adopted by me for forwarding Capt Allens company to Bexar will be more particularly seen by referance to Document (C) here presented- The further lo exhibit to you my Course to forward your views in relation to Gen Mexia I refer you to Document (D) here presented- From Gen Mexia I received an assurance that in a few days he would make you acquainted in writing with his future plans and views-and as his force will shortly no doubt reach Copeno I would suggest the propriety of your appointing Mr Powers to receive and attend them in the manner you may deem fit to direct- I request your body to lake into consideration as soon as
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