Biv 27 1835 to Jan 13 1835 - PTR, Vol. 3

this and_the re~olutions will be more capable of developeing to you the feelings & mlcrests of the people of this municipality than I am capable of. Yours with esteem Haden Edwards Novembr. 29th. 1835 f Endorsed:] Read in secret session & transfered lo open session Dec. 6th, 1835.


Nacogdoches Nov. 29, 1835

To his Excellency J. W. Robinson D. Sir

I would respectfully, and most earnestly request of you, to lay before the Honble. Body over which you Preside, the following statements I arrived here on the 27th. instant, and found no other Commissioner here, and consequently felt fearful of commillinl! an error if I assumed the responsibility of taking charl!e of the Land Offices, I at first concluded lo Issue an order to suspend their operation Lill my Colleagues came on, hut on farther reflection thought it more prudent to wait for Instructions from your Body I have issued an order suspending the Political Chief, a Copy of which you will find in the hands of the Govern~r. They had a meeting here last night composed of Men who were all, or nearly all, engaged largely in clearing out Lands or who are deeply engaged in Janel speculations the following is a partial list of those present. John K Allen, George A Nixon Charles S. Taylor, W. G. Logan, A Sterne Henry Rueg & all very largely engaged in Land operations as well as Mr. English, Mr Burney and others from the U. States with many strangers in this Meeting They passed resolutions that there was want of form in the Law. and that they did not think it was sufficiently technical in its form to insist upon their complying with it thus you see that they are treating the Acts of the Convention as if they were criminals at the bar tryinl! lo find flaws that they may evade them J have every reason to beleive that l\fr. Henry Rueg is not friendly to the existance of the provisional Government, as formed by the Convention, and I wish your Honhle. Body lo send me instructions in full, as will enable me to


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